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A Bertram Chandler

A Bertram Chandler Award

In 2003, Lucy was awarded the A Bertram Chandler award, an award for "Outstanding Achievement in Australian Science Fiction", for the enormous variety and depth of her achievements in writing, research, editing and teaching in the science fiction, fantasy and related fields in Australia since 1979.

About the A Bertram Chandler award

The follow is an excerpt from the Australian Science Fiction Foundation website (http://home.vicnet.net.au/~asff/) regarding the A Bertram Chandler award. Please visit the ASFF website for further details.

"In 1991 the Foundation set about establishing a new award for "Outstanding Achievement in Australian Science Fiction". In recognition of the contribution that science fiction writer A. Bertram Chandler made to Australian Science Fiction, and because of his patronage of the Foundation, the new award (after gaining the approval of Bert's widow Susan) is called the Chandler. Unlike the Ditmars, this award is decided upon by a jury and, although nominally an annual award presented in conjunction with the National Science Fiction Convention, is not necessarily presented every year.

The first Chandler Award was presented in 1992 to Van Ikin at the National Science Fiction Convention - SynCon '92. Subsequent winners were Merv Binns, George Turner, Wynne Whiteford, Grant Stone, Susan Batho(Smith-Clarke), Graham Stone, John Bangsund, John Foyster and Lucy Sussex."


All images and text copyright (c) Lucy Sussex 2007 - except where noted. webmaster

Last Modified: 14/07/2005